Who made the song all i do is win
Who made the song all i do is win

you can save the world yet again from woke moralists! WaneSnapbackToc (9.4): skrillex stop hanging out with jordan peterson go back and vibe with A$AP Rocky. I miss the very very brief dubstep rap era. Vapourlomo (10): The most 2013 song ever written. Steelstepladder (10): AHHH THIS PLYED AT COLLEGE PARTIES ALL THE FUCKING TIME PUT A SOLO CUP IN MY HAND IMMEDIETLY Skrillex makes everything sound apocalyptically huge, even if it's a 2012 brand of apocalypse in more ways than one TragicKingdom1 (11): idc if a skrillex beat is corny it still hits me in a feral animalistic way!!Ĭamerinian (10): fuck it this is right in my Q-zone and I'm tired of pretending it's not. idc this is the most early 2010s song to ever exist but it still goes off. Seanderlust (10): And A$AP Rocky loses his first song with his Skrillex collaboration with Skrillex. (2 x3) Background-Car-4488, jkilla88, reubenc22ĭarjeelingdarkroast (10): so painfully dated it cringes its way into being a camp 10 (3 x4) doorknobman, je-re, kdthird3, nilz303 (4 x4) joshc0920, LoFiCountryMusician, MC_Fuzzy, qazaibomb (6 x3) bruhboni234, nerdofalltrades, NotALicensedDoctor (7 x10) BK1999NL, dotrarewow, dumbas_account, flyestshit, FONZA43, intensedespair, malikthetechnique, McNoKnows, protectmyballs, vayyiqra (7.5 x3) Hearing_Every_Rhyme, mgarrix, static_int_husp (8 x9) ASAPWHEREITSAT, cohtoh, DiscouragedSouls, ImWaaal, Swade22, TakeOnMeByA-ha, tawayforrealthistime, UsernamesIn2016LUL, welcome2thejam (10 x8) bogo, camerinian, cremeebrulee, darjeelingdarkroast, flava, seanderlust, steelstepladder, vapourlomo Anything above 2.118 should be considered particularly controversial.Īverage: 6.651 // Total Points: 392.4 // Controversy: 2.653 Fun fact - there have been six rates on r/popheads that had a lower average in their history of over 150 rates.

who made the song all i do is win who made the song all i do is win

Some stats to tide you over in the meantime! In the meantime, get comfortable, get yourself a nice snack, and get ready for a bloodbath. We will get started in about a half an hour from now (12PST/3EST). Today we will be eliminating the middle chunk of songs - from #40 to #21. Yesterday we eliminated the 22 lowest-scoring tracks, up to song number 41. Hello HHH! Welcome to day two of the Snapbackcore rate reveal.

Who made the song all i do is win